Hussein Chalayan - From fashion and back

Hussein Chalayan - From fashion and back

22 January - 17 May 2009
Design Museum

"this exhibition Offers not only a chance to see Chalayan's daring dresses up close - but also a rare insight into his unusual creative process"
The Telegraph

Hussein Chalayan’s creative approach, his inspirations and the ideas which subsequently influence his work, range from genetics and technological progress to displacement, migrancy and cultural identity. He uses clothing as a site of exploration, to express concepts and make them accessible to a wider audience. He creates event spaces in the form of films, installations and exhibitions, as well as experimenting with new and innovative materials and techniques. His garments are imbued with the thought processes behind them. Fully established at the forefront of contemporary fashion design, the twice named ‘British Designer of the Year’ is renowned for his innovative use of materials, meticulous pattern cutting and progressive attitudes to new technology. His work now extends to conceptual and technological laser and film projects alongside his bi-annual fashion collections.

This exhibition was the first comprehensive presentation of Hussein Chalayan’s work in the UK. Spanning fifteen years of experimental projects, the exhibition explored Hussein Chalayan's creative approach, his inspirations and the many themes which influence his work. A series of immersive installations included Inertia, exploring the implications of speed and technology on our lives with garments encapsulating the moment of a crash; Afterwords responded to the theme of displacement in which furniture transforms itself into garments; Airborne uses LED technology, incorporating thousands of flickering lights; and Readings features dresses comprising over two hundred moving lasers, presenting an extraordinary spectacle of light.

The exhibition was selected as ‘Critics Choice’ in Time Out, January and March 2009.

The exhibition subsequently toured to Tokyo and Istanbul.